Spotlight on is the exciting new feature of the M&a Blog. Each article will see us delve into the life, loves and all round wonderful minds of an M&a employee. What better person to kick off with than Glenn Whitehead M&a's newly appointed Creative Director, or as we affectionately know him GlenNNNNNNN. And while he has his finger firmly on the pulse and throughout his career has achieved feats most Creatives only dream of his greatest achievement is still his 8 week old son Sam. I sat down with Glenn and got into his mind (it's really crowded in there!!) Check out what we talked about.

"It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's Glenn on a Cruzin' Cooler!"
How long Have you been at M&a?A little over 4 years
What is the work that you are most proud of? I think the Audit Bureau Re-brand was great. It was a strong simple concept executed well and it is standing the test of time well. Still fresh looking and looking like it will stay that way for years to come. That said I'll probably be most proud of the project I'll do next.

What are your Hobbies and interests? Surfing, Climbing, Travel, Architecture and design as a whole.
Describe an interesting Milestone in your life My first trip to Mexico with my now wife was a real eye-opener and hooked me on travelling. We covered everything from 5 star resorts to a 3 walled stick hut in the jungle surrounded by spiders the size of your fist!
Who is your favourite Photographer/artist/ actor or inspiration?David Downton, Fashion Illustrator for Vogue. In a handful of brushstrokes he can create the illusion of detail effortlessly. you can check out his work here
What are some challenges you face in your job?Switching off after hours and letting the brain "Punch-out" at the end of the day
What would you have been if you did not work in Marketing and Advertising?I would be doing something with architecture inside or outside
Any extra curricular activities?At the moment babysitting my 8 week old son