Opinion: Social Media- oversold and overrated
We all know about the revolutionary opportunities presented by social media.
Depending on which guru you listen to - investing in Facebook, Twitter and the rest of the Social media suite is a "Game Changer", a "new approach to communication" or quite simply the "next generation" in marketing. Read the full article at http://www.bandt.com.au/news/opinion--social-media---oversold-and-overrated

Depending on which guru you listen to - investing in Facebook, Twitter and the rest of the Social media suite is a "Game Changer", a "new approach to communication" or quite simply the "next generation" in marketing. Read the full article at http://www.bandt.com.au/news/opinion--social-media---oversold-and-overrated
Image and article taken from the bandt website
Deus - Online Emporium of Goodness
Deus ex Machina is a step bigger than a brand; it's a culture. Deus didn't set out only to sell custom parts and hand-built motorcycles, but to celebrate a culture of creativity. The Deus philosophy recalls an era before the various pursuits of fun - motorcycling, surfing, skateboarding, whatever - were marketed into fundamentalist factions. Find out more at http://aust.deuscustoms.com/site/homeAbout.cfm
image taken from Deus ex Machina website

image taken from Deus ex Machina website
Benetton Kisses Ad Goodbye
Can Google Music unseat Apple's itunes, Spotify?
This one's for Scott, This article explores the new phenomena that is Google Music and how it stacks up to other similar applications on the Market.http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/can-google-music-unseat-apples-itunes-spotify/2011/11/17/gIQAldXEVN_story.html
A little too close to home!!