Can Google Music unseat Apple's itunes, Spotify?
This one's for Scott, This article explores the new phenomena that is Google Music and how it stacks up to other similar applications on the Market.
A little too close to home!!
your ears may be filled with water but breathe easy old mates, M&a has just taken the lead on the new power respirator, that's going to fill your lungs with the "Evian" of filtered air! What's that you say? You're still breathing regular, every-day air? How embarrassing, that was so last week...
M&a have launched a lead generation campaign in conjunction with Motorola and Docomo based around a national travelling Roadshow. In addition to the Lead Generation Campaign we have been engaged to create a post event sales kit to coincide with the campaign.
We have completed our below the Line Campaign utilising marketing automation software resulting in over 7000 new leads!!
Frost & Sullivan Excellent Awards 2011
The frost and Sullivan Excellent Awards 2011 were held at the Sheraton on the Park on the 27th October . It was attended by over 90 individuals and was the fifth time M&a has collaborated with Frost and Sullivan to produce a night worth remembering! The Event saw the return of Andrew Everingham as MC and saw the presentation of 18 awards on the night. Some of the award winners included Telstra, Cisco Systems and Salesforce , to name a few! Overall it was a great night, with a happy audience who really enjoyed themselves. Another satisfied client!