M&a starting preparing for the Gartner Symposium IT/XPO 2009 in June this year. From creative, email blasts, telemarketing to SoftBook Pro, M&a successfully handled Gartner’s audience acquisition strategy.
For the first stage of the audience acquisition strategy Gatner took advantage of M&a’s newest product offering Softbook Pro. The Gartner SoftBook went live on the 5th of August 2009 with amazing success. The SoftBook had a total of 1,633 visits within a few months, 652 links were clicked, 19.72 out of 20 pages were viewed per visitand the average time on site was 15.34 minutes.
An integral part of the acquisition strategy was a series of 4 eDM blasts. The first was a blast to 61,000 contacts segmented by 2 verticals - 2 different eDM versions we delivered to clients and prospects inboxes. The second blast was segmented by 9 verticals based on the tracks offered at Symposium – in this case 9 different versions of the eDM were sent. The third eDM blast was for the government vertical. The final symposium eDM was similar to the first and segmented by 2 verticals with 2 different eDMs. Additionally the M&a sent daily eDM resends to contacts whose emails have been blocked by spam walls further proving the value of follow up telemarketing.
The final stage of the audience acquisition strategy is customer contact care which has proven to be highly successful. M&a was given a target of prospects to register through our contact care team and has gone above and beyond with 135% of target.
The 3 day Gartner Symposium IT/XPO 2009 took place from the 17th November to 20th November 2009.